Twitter Chatting

Let’s talk!  But let’s use our phones to do it!

I’m looking forward to answering questions, offering unsolicited advice and sounding off in all directions on Wednesday, March 27, 7:00 to 8:00 PM EST when I’m doing a Twitter chatwith Open Book: Toronto.  Please stop by to lurk (is that what we call “reading” now?) to ask a question about The Demonologist or share a (necessarily brief) spooky tale.

Oh, my handle is @andrewpyper.

Twitter Chat with Andrew Pyper – Open Book: Toronto

WHITE HOUSE Live…and in The Guardian

So my Twitter Fiction Festival story, White House, is live and happening now over at @whnanny.  Wanted to say thanks to Twitter and the accomplished (and no doubt hard-working) jury they assembled to select some amazing projects from around the world.

Also, my gratitude to those who are following along and have expressed kind words.  I didn’t know how this thing was going to turn out (still don’t, really).  But it’s great to know you’re out there, getting a kick out of it (even if, in a few cases, it has already disrupted precious sleep habits…including my own!)

There’s been some great coverage of the festival and White House too, including this piece by Alison Flood in The Guardian:

The Guardian (UK) – Alison Flood on the Twitter Fiction Festival


Twitter Rudeness

I have been a terrible host.  Here I am, posting once-in-a-while blogs and stuff all this time and I haven’t bothered to invite you to Twitter.  Yes, I’m there too.  And I try my best to offer a daily bit of my brain to distract or amuse or confound.  Is Twitter about anything else?

Please, come on by.  I’m at @andrewpyper  And I’ve made punch!